Friday, February 26, 2010

Kowhai Syndicate Camborne Walk

It was a gorgeous day for the Kowhai Syndicate Camborne Walk.  We had lots of fun walking through the bush and along the Pauatahanui Inlet to the beach near Paremata Bridge.  After munching on our lunch we played a few running races, then had some games such as a treasure hunt and sandcastle building.  Finally it was time for the walk back to the car - there were a few tired people!  Thanks to all the parents who came and helped on the day.  Here are some pics from our class.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Camborne Walk this Wednesday

Don't forget Kowhai Syndicate are going on the Camborne Walk this Wednesday. Remember to bring - a packed lunch, your drink bottle, your sunhat, sunscreen, a warm top, raincoat, a change of clothes, and a small towel - all in your school bag.

It should be a great day!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Counting to 100: Bang the Drum

I found this video on an American school blog: The Skinny.  It's a good way for us to practise counting to 100 ... and I know how you all love to do that!  Watch it with your parents ... its cool!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

School Song for Assembly this Friday

 Here is one of our school songs for Assembly this week - Mama Mia by Abba.

How does Room 8 get to School?

We have been learning about different types of ways to graph information in Maths.  Last week we looked at how Room 8 got to school.  We made a block graph - here are our results.  It was a rainy day so maybe that's why so many of us came to school by car!

Welcome to Room 8!


Welcome to the blog for Room 8.  I can't wait to share some of our work on the blog throughout the year.  We have 10 in our class so far ... and we're having lots of fun.  Check in regularly to see what we've been up too!
